Monday, September 11, 2006

School Days

Today was the first day of school for the kids at our house. It's the first year they've taken the school bus. Other years, Mom or Dad were able to drop them off on the way to work. But Dad has a new early work schedule and Mom has early nursing classes. I was all set to take photos of Dru and Caelin stepping on the bus. But the bus came 15 minutes early and all I managed to do was scoot them out and off.

Now that I'm long out of school -- and don't have to fear being uncool -- I can admit that I loved school. I still enjoy going to the continuing education courses required for my financial planner designation and, of course, the workshops at writing conferences. One of my favorite parts of my day job is the research, keeping up with tax and law changes and new investment strategies.

How about you?

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