Monday, July 31, 2006

Summer Days

We have an excessive heat warning in effect for today through Wednesday evening with highs of 100 and lows of 75. I know other places routinely hit 100 in the summer. But this is Upstate New York where hundreds of inches of snow are more common than 100 degree temperatures and summer highs are often 75. Not to mention the fact that lots of houses -- ours included -- don't have central air.

You may have figured out that I'm not nearly as excited about this heat wave as Caelin Eve, who gets to spend all day cooling off at the village pool.


LauraP said...

Caelin Eve has the right plan

Anonymous said...

Caelin has the ONLY way to survive this heat wave! Ours is supposed to break tomorrow. Thank goodness!

Melissa McClone said...

Cailin can not be that old. That big. Because if she is then than means my kids are, too. And...and...I need a drink.

Jean C. Gordon said...

Melissa -- Caelin is nine going on 19.

Melissa McClone said...

I believe it! I have one 8 going on 18. A six going on 7 (boy) and a 3 going on 6 (or so she says "No, I am six, Mommy")