Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day

How could a romance writer not post a Valentine's Day message? Mine is about a romance in the making.

Last night Caelin, 9, and Dru, 7, were making valentines for school. Caelin created works of art for each of her girl friends -- all of the girls in her class and a few in other classes -- and plain cards for the boys in her class.

Dru made only one which he brought to me for help. "How do you spell Helen?" He wrote it down. "How do you spell like? He wrote away again. "You?" More writing. Then, he put his card in an envelope and sealed it. "How do you spell Helen, again?" He made out the envelope. Then, he swore me to secrecy and entrusted the card to my coat pocket in case school was closed today. Couldn't take the chance his sister might see it. School was closed. We're having a blizzard. So, the card is still in my pocket waiting to go to school tomorrow.

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