Thursday, October 27, 2005

Pets and Computers Don't Mix

Yesterday while I was stoppping at Best Buy on my way home from work to buy a new A/C adaptor for my laptop because my daugher's dog Pooh Bear had chewed the old one, my grandkids dog Sweet Pea was knocking the laptop off the couch and damaging the wireless network card and internal connection for the card -- with some help from my grandson, I suspect. I had left the laptop in the cupboard where I store it when I'm not using it.

So last night, I had to dig through all my spare computer parts to find a UBS wireless adaptor. I'm a closet techie. I have boxes of old, spare parts. Then, I spent all evening trying to reconnect to the network, impeded by Red Cat, who likes to sit on the wireless access point because it's warm and disrupts the signal. Yes, I am sure she does it on purpose. Finally, this morning, three adaptors later, I am back online.

Do you have any computer-pet stories to share?


Anonymous said...

Cats on the keyborad and puppies chewing the cords. Same old same old. You know.

Anonymous said...

4:31 a.m.?!?! Yikes! Maybe you could add a pet guard-falcon to your menagerie to watch your laptop.

LauraP said...

Cat hair, 'nuf said.

Anonymous said...

hm...kitties on the keyboard or for some weird thinks he's a bird and wants to sit on my shoulder while I type...