Sunday, November 26, 2006

Blatant Self Promotion

For anyone who's interested, I have an excerpt from my upcoming Avalon romance Candy Kisses on my website, www.JeanCGordon.

I'm going to post a new excerpt from either Candy Kisses or my Cerridwen historical My Lady Viking each month until they come out.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Belated Thanksgiving Wishes

Hope everyone had a great day yesterday with friends and family.

I've been scarce lately, busy:
  • Writing new scenes for My Lady Viking, formerly Milady Viking (Cerridwen Press, 2007)
  • Filling out cover copy forms for it and Candy Kisses (Avalon Books, June 2007)
  • Writing cover copy for Candy
  • Updating my bio for both
  • Putting together a list of reviewers for my Avalon editor
  • Contemplating updating my website. I may have an excerpt from Candy up in a day or two.
  • Heading up a project at my day job, writing ten financial planning workshops and workbooks.

By the end of the weekend, I hope I have it all together. And you probably thought writing the book was the hard part.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Guest Bloggers

Welcome my guest bloggers Kym and Caelin.

Have you seen the movie Cars?

If you haven't seen Cars, you should.

Kym: My favorite character from the move is Lightning McQueen.

Caelin: He's my favorite, too.

Kym: Cars is funny.

Caelin: Now on DVD.