Monday, July 31, 2006

Summer Days

We have an excessive heat warning in effect for today through Wednesday evening with highs of 100 and lows of 75. I know other places routinely hit 100 in the summer. But this is Upstate New York where hundreds of inches of snow are more common than 100 degree temperatures and summer highs are often 75. Not to mention the fact that lots of houses -- ours included -- don't have central air.

You may have figured out that I'm not nearly as excited about this heat wave as Caelin Eve, who gets to spend all day cooling off at the village pool.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Lazy Hazy Sunday

Since I mentioned them the other day, I thought Oinkers and Benny Pig Pig might like to stop by and say "hi."

But they were too busy.

So, I checked with Red Cat

and Colassus. They couldn't be bothered, either.

But Sweetpea, as always, was ready and willing.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

My Glamorous Life

Guess what wild and fascinating thing I just did. Give up? I slopped the hogs -- pigs, really. My daughter and her family are away this week and I told my nine year old granddaughter that I would feed Oinkers and Benny Pig Pig. Now, lest you're picturing cute little pet pot belly pigs, let me set you straight. Oinkers and Benny probably top 500 pounds between the two of them.

Next, I get to feed and water my granddaughter's and grandson's bunnies, Snowy and Lightning. They're white dwarf rabbits who live upstairs in the kids' bedrooms.

When that's done I'm treating myself to a trip to the RCS Community to pick up the last two books in Sara Donati's historical series set in the Adirondack Mountains of northern New York.

Can you beat that for excitement?

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Almost There

No comments from Bonnie at critique group last night. Hmmmmm. So, here it is -- courtesy of my new digital camara -- ready to go out tomorrow. Wish me well.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Two Reads Done; One To Go

Thanks for the encouragement, Melissa.

Things got a little rough yesterday. Well, actually, some of my manuscript was pretty rough. I had to add a scene at the end of Chapter Ten and rewrite the first five or six pages of Chapter Eleven.

But my read through is done, as is Chris' and all the revisions are made.

Wonder what Bonnie has for me. Guess I'll find out at critique group tomorrow.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Page Seventy and Counting

I made good progress yesterday and Chris sent me her comments on the first half. I'm please -- surprised -- at how well it read. But, I know it's the last few chapters that are the weakest. On to those today.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

A Mission

I have a mission. Okay, so I really have four thousand two hundred and eighty six missions. But for the next few days, I have a writing mission: reading and editing my Viking historical, Milady Viking. An editor at Cerridwen Press has requested to see the full manuscript. My critique partners Bonnie and Chris are reading, too.

Page 140 and counting.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Attention Historical Romance Readers

I'm toying with an idea and would love some feedback. What would you think of an historical written in chick-lit-like first person?